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For Referrals please contact our 24/7 referral lines on 0208 215 0668 or 0745 626 2517

Our Services

Our services focus on helping service users to develop and maintain as much independence and control as possible, whilst experiencing an improvement in their quality of life. Our services are delivered by trained and experienced support workers. Services are provided 24hr a day 365 days a year. The tasks undertaken and services provided include: 

  • Help with understanding nutrition
  • Assistance with meals preparation
  • Assistance with preparing shopping lists
  • Going shopping
  • Assistance with budgeting for food, bills, clothing, recreation etc.
  • Escorting to appointments and shopping
  • Help with cleaning in the home and making bed, Laundering & clothing and bedding etc.
  • Mending, sewing and ironing clothes
  • Prompting and supervision with personal hygiene
  • Assistance with accessing welfare benefits Filling out forms etc.
  • Ensuring bills, debts etc. are paid
  • Assistance with Opening a bank account
  • Accessing professional help & liaising with other agencies
  • Accessing training, education & employment opportunities
  • Accessing recreational facilities
  • Accessing specialist counselling services
  • Registering with GPs, Dentist, and Opticians etc.
  • Arranging and attending appointments
  • Liaising with social worker, doctors, chemist etc.
  • Health & Safety advise on kitchen and home operating & maintaining kitchen equipment safely
  • Advise on fire safety, Food hygiene and storage
  • Arranging for repairs & servicing of personal equipment etc.
  • Reporting repairs and maintenance issues to landlord
  • Other support
  • Monitoring and supervising the use of medication through prompting
  • Arranging prescriptions and medication collection from chemist
  • Dealing with emotional difficulties (informal counselling)
  • Assisting with organising social events
  • Assisting with religious and cultural observances
  • Assistance with maintaining contact with family and friends

The above list is not exhaustive. Other areas may be introduced and/or the existing tasks itemised may be revised or withdrawn in accordance with future developments. A contract for our services can include any combination of the above tasks as identified in an individual’s needs assessment and pathway plan.

For Referrals please contact us on

0745 626 2517 / 02082 150 668